Santa Cruz County Prevention Partners: Bridging Drug & Alcohol Prevention Partners for a Safer Community
Fetanyl Awareness Virtual Town Hall - January 27th from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM - Streamed VIA Youtube
December 6th, 2021
The Pajaro Valley Prevention & Student Assistance (PVPSA) has two open positions and are receiving applicants! For more information on the position or how to apply, click on the relative positions below.
March 12th, 2021
Takeout alcohol means easy access for minors
Community Prevention Partners hosts meetings covering alcohol, cannabis, and SafeRx. For information about meeting times and how to get involved, please contact the individuals listed below.
Second Monday of each month, from 10 am to 11:30 am.
Contact McKenna at or 831-728-6445
Fourth Thursday of each month, from 11 am to 12:30 pm.
Contact McKenna at or 831-728-6445
Third Wednesday of each month, from 1:00-2:30 pm.
Contact Jenna at
Meeting schedules and times may be subject to change
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